Friday, 9 October 2015

#TuttoSuMiaMadre, not my favourites.

#TuttoSuMiaMadre (All About My Mother) was a three days photographic project and installation I did in collaboration with Corriere Della Sera and La27esimaOra.
It was shot at the Triennale Design Museum in Milan during Il Tempo delle Donne.
Everyone could attend, the only request was to bring an object tied to the relationship with the person's mother.
I shot hundreds of photographs and I am thankful to anyone who came and shared something so intimate with me.
These photographs are not my favourites, I think I have some better shots, but this is my family, and family is not always very aesthetic, so I still thought they are the ones I wanted to share with you.

Alessia holding her mother's hand.

Mita with her mother, like dolls.

Lud with the tape his mother used to wake him up in the morning with.

Checco with his mother's hot water bottle.

Dondo with the diary his mother used to keep when he was born.

Mita with her mother's bonbonnière from Christening.

Emm with her mother, in form of a grapevine root.

Lisa with her mother's earrings

Clo listening to the shell her mother gave her, like she told her to do every evening before bed.

Alix with the first present from her mother.

Filo with a bird from his mother's collection.

Ludo with her mother's ring.

Kiki with one of the first toys given to her by her mother, wearing her bracelet like a necklace.

Menni with her mother, in shape of a fish.

Gullo with his mother's rings.

Myself with my mother's doll Neige from when she was a child.

You can see the whole project here

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